Don't Be So Dull!

Growing up, my family spent time butchering some of our own meat. It was a whole family affair - with grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and siblings all gathered around doing their job. One of my jobs became cutting up the sausage meat and lard. Starting out, the knives were always sharp and ready to go. But as time went on, they gradually lost their cutting edge. I often didn't notice I had to apply more pressure to get the same cut.

Then dad or grandpa would come over, ask to see my knife, and immediately see the blade's dullness. They would sharpen it, and I'd be back to work, more efficiently able to cut up my meat.

As iron sharpens iron,
So one person sharpens another.
(Proverbs 27:17)

So many of us are going through life with dull blades. Why? I think oftentimes, we too don't realize we've lost our sharpness. It goes away slowly. That zeal we once had for Christ, slowly fades and we lose our effectiveness. Just like my dad or grandpa had to come and sharpen my knife, we need others in our life who will come along beside us, hold us accountable, encourage us, and speak the truth - even when it's hard for us to hear.

So the question I have is when is the last time you were sharpened? When is the last time you let someone into your life? Into the good and the bad and the ugly parts, not so that they could judge you, but so that they could sharpen you? So that they could help hold you accountable? I love the sharpeners in my life!

And the next question is when was the last time you sharpened someone else? When was the last time you really invested in someone? When is the last time you really got to know them, took an interest, and empathized with them? When is the last time you pointed someone to Jesus?

God's word is sharper than a double-edged sword, it pierces to the bone and marrow and judges my heart's thoughts and attitude. God's word can and WILL sharpen you! And we can use it to sharpen others too!
Let yourself be sharpened and then go and sharpen others!